Deformable mirrors and Spatial Light Modulators

Spectral Range UV (190 - 400 nm) VIS - NIR (400 - 1100 nm) SWIR (900 - 1700 nm) eSWIR (1.2 - 2.2 µm) MWIR (3 - 5 μm) LWIR (8 -14 μm)

The Phasics adaptive optics loop can integrate any deformable device technology: mechanical mirror, piezoelectric mirror, SLM, membrane... Phasics solutions are compatible with a broad list of solutions thanks to our established partnerships with many providers: ISP, Night’N, Dynamic Optics, Cilas, Alpao, OKO, Holoeye, Hamamatsu, etc. Thanks to many years of experience, Phasics provides its insightful support for deformable device choice and integration. Its expert team will recommend the device that best fits the required performances, budget imperatives, and environment constraints.

Deformable mirror for OASys adaptive optics solution

Key features

  • Custom design available 
  • Any deformable mirror technologies
  • Low residual


Technologies Piezoelectric, Mechanical, Electromagnetic, SLM
Size 10 to 800 mm diameter
Number of actuators Technology dependent
Damage threshold Technology dependent
Correction speed Technology dependent
Hysteresis Technology dependent


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