
Phasics SID4-DWIR wavefront sensor was used in this publication : Surface form error measurement for rough surfaces using an infrared lateral shearing interferometry

Surface form error measurement for rough surfaces using an infrared lateral shearing interferometry

June 2, 2022

In this recent article, our clients from the Space Optics Laboratory at Yonsei University (South Korea) integrate our SID4-DWIR wavefront sensor in their ISFEM (Intermediate Surface Figure Error Measurement) testing station.

The motivation behind the development of the ISFEM is to minimize fabrication time by qualifying accurately the rough surface figure error (few microns RMS SFE) during the grinding process. This is done using a 10.6 microns laser as an illumination source, and a Long Wave Infrared wavefront sensor. As mentioned in the paper: “If the SFE during grinding is as small as possible, the material removal volume in the figuring process gets reduced, and the total required time of the fabrication is greatly minimized”.

The paper covers the design of the ISFEM instrument, the validation of the instrument, and experimental results on a 1.1 m OAP. The ISFEM results are compared to laser tracker and visible interferometry.

Read the full article here

Learn more about Phasics’ infrared wavefront sensors here



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