
Preview of the presentation prepared for the inaugural PHOTONICS+ : Tackling new challenges in optics testing using wavefront sensors

Video Replay: Tackling new challenges in optics testing using wavefront sensors

June 2, 2021

The presentation was prepared for the inaugural PHOTONICS+ event is available in replay, in this presentation our colleague Nolan Chan talks about: "Tackling new challenges in optics testing using wavefront sensors":

PHASICS offers a full range of wavefront measurement systems and quantitative phase imaging solutions based on an innovative high-resolution wavefront sensing technology. Phasics' unique patented wavefront sensing technology is called quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry (QWLSI). This technology was developed to overcome the Shack-Hartmann limitations: it offers ultra-high resolution (up to 852×720 measurement points), high sensitivity (sub-nanometric) and large dynamic range.

Learn more about our unique wavefront sensing technology here and about our optics testing applications here.



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